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Timestrip time and temperature monitoring
Timestrip indicator labels are single use, low cost, patented technology diffusing liquid through a viewing window to reveal how much time has passed since activation or temperature breach

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72 Hour
Reminds healthcare workers of sanitation processes
Time Indicators
healthcare time indicator

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Timestrip neo
Electronic indicator with 3 temperatures
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timestrip neo

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Irreversible Indicator Labels
Our range of visual time indicator labels provide a visual reminder of time remaining.
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smart time indicators
Who Needs to Monitor Time?
Timestrip Time indicators are small, single use, visual time indicators that are used across a wide variety of industries when monitoring time is critical. Healthcare and Filters are two of the main sectors that need to monitor time.
Healthcare Reminders
Healthcare Timers

Timestrip Time indicators help healthcare workers maintain hospital curtains replacement schedules, comply with endoscopy sanitation timing, time diagnostic tests, ship pathology samples, medical device part replacement, help patients comply with vaccine booster reminders and much more.

vaccine reminder
Hospital curtain change reminder
diagnostic test timer kit
Filter Timers
Filter Change Reminders

Timestrip Time indicators are used to remind consumers when filters should be replaced in water filters, aquatic filtration systems, air filters, filtered appliances like vacuums and refrigerators, and more.

They can also be used in industrial settings - for water treatment servicing reminders and industrial air filters servicing.

water filter replacement reminder
freezer filter change reminder
water system service reminder

Our Elapsed Time Indicator Labels

Custom Time Labels
Timestrip Time

Timestrip Time elapsed time indicator labels are small, single use and can adhere directly onto the product being monitored. Some of the uses of these portable time indicators are:

filter change reminder
Time Indicator Labels
Custom Solutions for Time Monitoring
Let us develop your own elapsed time indicator

Timestrip elapsed time indicator labels are used to show the time since replacement, last service, IV line change, sanitation, diagnostic test. However, they can be used for many more time monitoring applications.

Let Timestrip develop a custom time monitoring label solution for you. First, choose your time monitoring length, then the indicator label size/shape. After adding your branding, then you can choose to upgrade with a magnet, Timestrip Keychain or carrying card.


diagnostic test timer kit
See Custom Solutions
Timestrip Keychains
Timestrip Keychains

Timestrip Keychains come with an elapsed time indicator inside. They remind customers to return for repeat sales and servicing.

Timestrip Keychains are portable time indicators for ease of use, but also serves as visual brand awareness for your company.

Perfect for auto service reminders, Timestrip Keychains with time indicators can be used for a wide variety of applications including industrial filter change reminders, promotions, and more.

diagnostic lab result timer
See Timestrip Keychains

Best Visual Time Indicators

Brand Quality
Consumers know when to replace filters for optimum performance.
Enhanced Revenue
Timestrip irreversible time indicators drive repeat sales with timely filter replacement.
Competitive Advantage
Eelapsed time indicators increase consumer confidence with replacement reminders.
Consumer Friendly 
Small and simple to use liquid-based irreversible time indicators for use in the home, hospital or industry.
Time indicator labels used by world leading brands
Maico Air Filter Replacement Reminder
Maico chose to deploy a Timestrip elapsed time indicator to provide the user with an immediate visual indication of when the filter is due for replacement.
3M Water Filters
3M integrated a Timestrip Time indicator into their water filter pitchers design. Customers could see how long it had been since they replaced the water filter.
ROM Plus Diagnostic Test Timer
Clinical Innovations created a diagnostic test with a custom Timestrip Time indicator so techs could see if the test results were in the viable result reading time.
Ask us about Time Monitoring
Custom air filter reminder
Visual Time Indicators
Timestrip’s reliable time indicator labels monitor critical timelines using liquid-based or electronic technologies - from elapsed time indicator labels that track time-sensitive processes such diagnostic tests, to time elapsed labels for perishable goods, ensuring food safety during transit.

Our visual time indicators for medical device sterilisation support safety protocols, while the time sensitive indicators for food deliveries help streamline logistics.
finger press activation button
Timestrip visual reminders for air filter changes and water filter changes help maintain optimal air and water quality. The endoscopy reprocessing ‘golden hour’ tracking system is valuable for ensuring compliance with medical reprocessing timelines, while hospital replacement items such as privacy curtains can be effectively managed with a replacement time indicator.

With Timestrip’s best visual time indicators, managing time critical tasks has never been easier nor more reliable.
Ask us about Time Monitoring
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