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Timestrip time and temperature monitoring
Timestrip indicator labels are single use, low cost, patented technology diffusing liquid through a viewing window to reveal how much time has passed since activation or temperature breach

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Blood Temp 10+

Blood Bag Temperature Indicators
Timestrip Blood Temp will tell you how long a blood product has been exposed to higher temperatures.
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blood bag transportation indicator

Blood Bag Transportation Temperature Monitoring

Blood Temperature Breach
Blood Temp 10+ monitors the temperature of blood bags during transport- for up to 3 hours over 10ºC.
Preserve Blood Stock
Remove the ambiguity of temperature abuse and return stock safely. Time elapsed from the breach is indicated by blue in the 2nd window
Improve Compliance
Unit level serialization allows for individual product tracking and lot tractability.
Custom Blood Monitoring
Custom blood temperature breach lengths and branding are possible.

Blood Temp 10+

How it Works
Blood Temp 10+
Blood Bag Temperature Indicator


Temperature Threshold: 10ºC/50ºF

Length of Breach Monitoring: 3 cumulative hours

Size: 32mm x 19mm

Blood Temp 10+ is a blood transportation temperature indicator that shows if temperature thresholds have been exceeded. Up to 3 hours of blood bag temperatures over 10ºC are shown with a colour change in the second window.

blood transportation temperature indicator
Contact us to Monitor Blood
Blood Temp 10+ 5
5 Hour Blood Bag Temperature Indicator


Temperature Threshold: 10ºC/50ºF

Length of Breach Monitoring: 5 cumulative hours

Size: 32mm x 19mm

Blood Temp 10+5 is a blood transportation temperature indicator. The blood indicator shows if blood bag core temperatures have risen during transit in hospital. Up to 5 hours of blood bag temperatures over 10ºC are shown with a colour change in the second window.

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3 Hour Blood Bag Temperature Breach Monitoring

When applied to a pre-chilled blood bag, Blood Temp 10+ can now either be transported right away or returned to the refrigerator temporarily, for future use. Firmly squeeze the blister located on top of the indicator. Once activated, a line appears in the yellow activation window. Then the window will then fill with a green colour.

The breach window will remain white as long as it remains below the threshold temperature. The Timestrip Blood Temp 10+ can be directly applied by removing the adhesive liner on the back.

Once activated, Blood Temp 10+ monitor temperatures continuously.
When the breach has lasted for half an hour the breach window will begin to turn blue. You can track how long the breach has lasted by the time markers along the window.

Blood Temp 10+ records the cumulative time the core temperature of the blood bag rises above 10°C. The breach window is irreversible and cannot be reset / changed.

Monitor Blood Transport

Blood Bag Transportation Temperature Monitoring for Healthcare Systems

Tenet Healthcare Blood Transport
Blood Temp 10 indicators to monitor blood transport, ensuring that blood bag storage temperature remains within safe ranges and reducing the risk of exceeded temperature thresholds during transit.
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Blood Temp 10+ Documentation
Blood Temp 10+ Specifications
Irreversible, single use
32mm x 19mm
Activation Feature
A manual activation button on the top – the ‘ON’ window turn from yellow to green to confirm it is armed.
Breach Indication
A blue colour appears in the viewing window if a breach of the threshold temperature has occurred. The duration of one or more breaches is shown by how far the blue colour has progressed along the time markers.
Temperature Threshold
9° – 10°C /48°F – 50°F
Breach Time
BT10+ up to 3 Hours
BT10+5 is p to 5 Hours
Quality Assurance
Produced under ISO9001:2015
Recommended Storage
Store indoors, at room temperature up to 30°C
100 indicators per bag
Shipping Requirement
No special requirements as they are inert until activated
Shelf Life
2.5 years from manufacturing date
Blood Temp 10+  FAQs

Yes. Orientation has no impact on the way it works.

The expiry date is provided for each batch of products supplied. You will find it on a label on each box together with the batch coding we use for traceability.

No, unlike some other blood bag temperature indicators, Blood Temp can be stored at ambient temperatures and activated only when needed.

A blue dye housed in a blister is held adjacent to a micro-porous membrane. Upon squeezing the activation button the dye comes out of the blister and into contact with the membrane. The temperature of the chilled blood bag solidifies the liquid, and thus unable to move through the membrane. If the temperature rises to or above the threshold temperature of 10ºC/50ºF, the dye changes to liquid form, moves through the membrane and indicates a breach when blue dye shows up in the indication window.

Yes. Please contact us for the MSDS for further information. We only use food-grade oils and non-toxic colourants in our formulation. In the unlikely event that the liquid leaks from the indicator and comes into contact with skin, simply wash with soap and water. If the liquid comes into contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.

Any blue colouration of the indication window (partial or full) denotes a temperature breach of 10ºC.

If stored under the correct conditions, this is highly unlikely to happen, but if it does, the built-in activation window lets you know it. If this happens, don't use the indicator and select another. There is no need to contact us, as we ship 1 or 2 extra indicators per pack free of charge anyway.

Timestrip® Blood Temp 10+ a single use temperature indicator in a self-adhesive label format. It can be adhered onto blood bags and transported immediately after activation.

The Blood Temp 10+ adhesive is intended for labels to be used on blood bags. Request the MSDS for more details.

You really need to try them to really appreciate how easy they are to use. Timestrip Blood Temp 10+ have the same or better accuracy than other indicators on the market, but where they are different from other indicators: Blood Temp 10+ are simpler and faster to store, to use, and even cost a bit less, saving you time, money and effort.

That is normal, and as it should be. It goes a bit lighter green because the liquid inside has solidified and contracts slightly within the pore structure, making it appear a lighter shade.

Because we like our customers! You can use these free products for testing, training, validation, or just to save money. In the unlikely case any got damaged along the way or someone just wanted to try one, there is no need to get in touch, although we're always happy to hear from our customers. Personally, we think that all companies should give stuff away for free!

The activation window gives an immediate confirmation that the indicator is armed as it turns from yellow to green. If this doesn't happen immediately, then fully re-squeeze the button between thumb and finger. The breach/indication window (white with a red border) is separate so that you can clearly see if there has been a breach of the 10ºC/50ºF temperature threshold. If no breach has occurred the window will remain white. It will turn blue if there is a breach.

Blood Temp 10+ indicators allow you to monitor the temperature of blood in a blood bag when it leaves the blood bank to go to a ward, operating room or other location. Blood Temp 10+ indicators require no power and can be read easily and instantly by the end user. Indication is irreversible and each indicator has a unique serial number to ensure traceability.

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We are a technology company that is passionate about blood transportation  temperature monitoring. Contact us to request more information today.
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