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Timestrip time and temperature monitoring
Timestrip indicator labels are single use, low cost, patented technology diffusing liquid through a viewing window to reveal how much time has passed since activation or temperature breach

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Shows length of time vaccines are out of fridge
vaccine out of fridge

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Timestrip Applications
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Timestrip App for pdf reporting
Download our eTimestrip app today. It is compatible with most of our electronic indicators and can be used to generate data report PDF and CSVs to save and share.

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Timestrip neo
Electronic indicator with 3 temperatures
Timestrip neo
Timestrip neo TT525

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Beauty & Personal Care

Timestrip indicators are used in cosmetic appliations from refrigerated skincare to toothbrush replacement.
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Product Replacement
in Toothbrushes
in Cosmetics
in Personal Care
1 month timer indicator label
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Fridge Storage
in Skincare
in Beauty
in Organic Products
8C temperature indicator
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PAO Reminder
in Mascara
in Lip Products
in Organic Products
time monitoring
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Personal care replacement reminder for leading brands

Clarisonic Mia
Brush head replacement reminders were created to be added into the brush heads to ensure consumers stick to a replacement schedule.
TESCO Toothbrush
Timestrip developed a time indicator label that fits inside the handle of a toothbrush. Working with TESCO,  toothbrushes with Timestrip time indicators taught consumers to replace their toothbrushes regularly.
Timestrip toothbrush line
Learn about our indicators
Single Use
These cost-effective indicators are single use, no need to return expensive equipment or developing sanitation protocol.
Easy to Use
Follow the liquid dye along the window to see how far along in the replaement cycle.
Finger Activated
Timestrip temperature indicators are inactive until turned 'ON' with squeezing a button when you are ready to being time monitoring.
Use Anywhere
Liquid-based indicators are a convenient solution for meeting replacement schedules in the cosmetics, skincare or personal care industry.
Refrigerated skincare timer
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