School Vaccinations
with Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust
Monitor the temperature in transporting vaccines from clinic storage to schools.
Contact us for your solution
â A simple solution to monitor the vaccine temperature in the vaccine
transportation carriers that the teams use to take the vaccines to the
schools on a daily basis.â
Company Profile
Cambridgeshire Community Service NHS Trust delivers school-age immunisations to all schools within Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Norfolk and Suffolk. This includes flu nasal immunisations for primary schools, and in secondary schools, HPV vaccinations to year 8 and 9 girls, and Meningitis ACWY and TdIPV to young people in years 9 and 10.
The Trustâs vision is to provide high quality care through their excellent people. The Trustâ believes that community based health services are fundamental to the success of an NHS that gives people more choice and control over their health.
The Trustâs vision is to provide high quality care through their excellent people. The Trustâ believes that community based health services are fundamental to the success of an NHS that gives people more choice and control over their health.
Monitoring school vaccine temperatures during transport
Timestrip Temperature Solutions
The Service was looking for a simple solution to monitor the vaccine temperature in the vaccine transportation carriers that the teams use to take the vaccines to the schools on a daily basis. It is imperative that vaccines remain between 2°C and 8°C in order to maintain the efficacy and product license.
Teams use electric Labcold Portable Vaccine Carriers and pharmaceutical-grade vaccine carriers. They wanted a visual tool that was cost-effective that they would be able to review at the end of the vaccination session that would tell them if the temperature increased above 8°C, and if the temperature went above 25°C, for how long that had occurred.
Teams use electric Labcold Portable Vaccine Carriers and pharmaceutical-grade vaccine carriers. They wanted a visual tool that was cost-effective that they would be able to review at the end of the vaccination session that would tell them if the temperature increased above 8°C, and if the temperature went above 25°C, for how long that had occurred.

Benefits of Timestrip PLUS used in school vaccination programmes
In each vaccine carrier, they used two Timestrip PLUS products: Timestrip PLUS, (TP 065) was used to indicate if the temperature in the vaccine carriers went above 8°C. They would then examine Timestrip PLUS (TP 217) to establish if the temperature exceeded 25°C, and if so, for how long.
Feedback was good from the teams who used them because they did not need to be read by, or synced with, a computer.
Feedback was good from the teams who used them because they did not need to be read by, or synced with, a computer.