Timestrip indicators can be used in promotions and marketing plans to encourage repeat visits, stay-to-win and instant winner reveals.
Contact us for your solutionTime reminder indicators for promotions
Image & Text Winner Reveal
Once Time indicators are active, they can reveal a printed text over minutes, hours or weeks. This will alert customers they have won a contest or remind them to come back once the designated time has passed.
Repurchase Promotions
Time indicators can be integrated onto keychains or promo cards to visually show customers when it is time to visit, repurchase or contact you.
Stay to Win
Integrating Timestrip time indicators into your stay-to-win promotions gives a fun interactive visual way to see how long they have until earning an incentive.

Learn about our indicators
Single Use
These cost-effective indicators are single use, no need to return expensive equipment or developing sanitation protocol.
Easy to Use
Customers can easily read the indicator by watching the coloured dye move through the viewing window.
Finger Activated
Timestrip indicators are inactive until turned 'ON' with squeezing a button. This allows simple room temperature storage.
Use Anywhere
Liquid-based indicators are a convenient solution for unique promotions strategy and plans.