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Timestrip time and temperature monitoring
Timestrip indicator labels are single use, low cost, patented technology diffusing liquid through a viewing window to reveal how much time has passed since activation or temperature breach

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Timestrip App for pdf reporting
Download our eTimestrip app today. It is compatible with most of our electronic indicators and can be used to generate data report PDF and CSVs to save and share.

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Clinical Pathology Monitoring

with Royal Lancaster Infirmary
Monitor the temperature clinical pathology samples are stored from the patient to the laboratory.
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NHS vaccine monitoring
“These indicators are important to support our quality assurance processes”
Dr Amy Brown, Advanced Biomedical Scientist at RLI
Company Profile
The Royal Lancaster Infirmary (RLI) is a major hospital in the north of England with a range of services, including a full A&E Department, Critical Care unit and Consultant led beds. The RLI also provides a range of planned care including outpatients, diagnostics, therapies, day case and inpatient surgery.

Monitoring of Clinical Pathology Specimens Temperature

Timestrip Temperature Solutions
The Microbiology Department of the RLI required a method of detecting if clinical pathology samples had been subjected to excessive temperatures during their transport or storage. After careful research, they chose the Timestrip PLUS 217 liquid-based indicator.

The temperature strips are used to monitor the temperature at which clinical pathology samples are stored after being taken from the patient up until receipt in the laboratory. After activation by pressing a blister on the top, the indicators work continuously and provide reliable monitoring of conditions during the whole sample journey, including the transportation period.

Any breaches of the 25⁰C temperature limit are immediately shown in a window that also shows the duration of the breach, up to 12 hours. The indicators are simple to use and interpret.
Timestrip PLUS 25C activation
Timestrip PLUS
Single Use
Ascending Breach
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Benefits of Timestrip PLUS in pathology samples
Dr Amy Brown, Advanced Biomedical Scientist at RLI comments: “The strip indicates when the temperatures have breached for significant periods. This is important as elevated temperatures have the potential to impact negatively on the quality of the test results that we are to obtain from the samples. Getting a simple, reliable alert may also indicate a pre-analytical issue or incident that we may need to investigate further.”

Timestrip PLUS 217 smart indicator labels provide a high tech, low cost solution for ascending temperature breaches.

“These indicators are important to support our quality assurance processes”, adds Dr Brown.

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