Frostine's: Major Korean beauty brand LG's skin care line
Timestrip indicators were added to the base of glass bottles used across the Frostineâs range by LG cosmetics as it launched its revolutionary new brand across Korea in one of its biggest multi-channel campaigns of 2012.
LG is the second biggest cosmetic brand owner in Korea and the Frostineâs brand extends its reputation for innovation in the sector.
The Frostine's range comprises toners, eye creams, masks and moisturizers with a unique formulation that requires the products to be kept refrigerated at all times.
Skincare efficacy timer label
In addition to the chilled characteristics, some of the creams and toners lose their efficacy after 6 weeks, so each bottle comes with a Timestrip applied to the base so that consumers can trigger the timing label and check the product integrity at a glance each time they are used.
See their custom Timestrip design and unique cosmetic integration from 1:50-3:00 in the video.